💞Working with our guide

We currently have four guided experiences in Refract:

  1. Deep parts work: explore your internal family system, and get to know Protectors and Exiles

  2. Parts check in: spend time with your parts daily with a simple check in

  3. Unblending flow: a short exercise to come back to Self and help your parts feel seen

  4. Focusing: be with and unstick your emotion process

Interactive guided conversation

Refract is currently built to an interactive guided meditation / inquiry. It’s designed to help you go deep! It’s less of a flexible and open-ended experience.

What this looks like:

  • Talk out loud to the guide, or type your answers 🤩

  • Try to respond in the format it asks.

  • Know going into a session that you'll be following a script rather than able to choose your adventure, at least at this current phase in Refract's journey!

  • Unlike a guided meditation, Refract listens to what you say and reflects your words back to you, creating a much more engaging container for going deep.

During a session

  • Take a second to put your devices on do not disturb if it feels good.

  • Try to speak clearly. We recommend using your laptop microphone over the microphone in your bluetooth earphones/headphones.

  • Tap space to speak. Tap again when you're ready for the guide to respond.

  • If, at any point, you feel defensive or disconnected or blended while interacting with your parts, let the guide know. It will help you navigate the resistance.

  • If you are feeling lost or confused or doubtful at any point, ask the guide for clarification.

Last updated